
Sunday, 29 April 2012

Things to try today

put this on model eye or hearth or palm

face shot with eye in sun (schyler)

Get this one again, but with the lights off. Capture the strain again. Try a close up of hands

rotate this on 90 degrees clockwise and then have schyler trying to get in from the blurry side like its a wall - one where she's gently pushing it longingly and one where she's trying to shatter it

do this one again, but tilt the image 90 degrees counterclockwise

  • ask schyler to pose how she felt in the moment
  • have model penetrate the photograph via photoshop
  • smiling close up
  • looking in can't get back in moment poses
  • sideways tilted projections
  • christmas lights on schylers face

sound recources

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Inspiration Marc Phillbert

unsurprisingly, its totally been done before (usually with attractive female nudes)

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Challenges and things to address

  • Lighting - If I put lights on my models then they wash out the projected image. If I dont put lights on my model then the background looks great but the model is really dark and she doesnt have the ground shadow that makes her look like she's floating.
  • Poses - I've just been letting my friends sort of do what they like after I explain the project concept to them, and they look cool definitely have that floating effect, but they're not really related to the concept very strongly. The concept is being in the moment and they are in moments that they chose which are special to them. maybe I can better relate it by asking them to pose in a way that reflects how they feel or felt about the moment?


This is a photo by Anya Klepaki, a photography student in Boston.  She layered images and I think the effect is really nice and reminds me of what I'm trying to do with the projections. One thing I can learn from her here is creating a mood with the pictures. Her's definitely have a certain feel and I feel like mine are all kind of harsh right now, so maybe thats something I can think about. My friends sent me the pictures they wanted me to project onto them, but the pictures were all raw taken with point and shoots in the moment. Maybe I can edit them a little bit and get some control over feel.

Floating people as a common photo idea

A little googling has revealed to me that floating people is a photography thing that a lot of people do.   It is done by taking two photos. One with the person and one of just the background. Then you take out the supporting object and layer them.  I've just been doing the background and the person in the same shot. Maybe I can learn from this and take two separate images and then edit them together.  That may also address my lighting problem.  Here's an example:

Monday, 23 April 2012

More inspiration from Foam Magazine

Foam is a magazine about surf/music/beach fashion/and beach culture generally.  They used a similar projector technique to what I'm using. They created beautiful still images with ocean footage projected on their model. I loved it at the time, and just remembered it.  Re-watching it now is very helpful, and I'm thinking about either trying to get some closeups on faces or body parts or to maybe play with a stop motion created out of a series of projected bits of film and my friends' movements.  Maybe a wind fan?

Edited images from 1st shoot

Contact Sheet: project 2 time Shoot 1

1st shoot

1st shoot for second project.  Went through with my idea. I found a couple of friends who were up for being photographed so they came down to the studio. It was my first time photographing in a place like that and I had to figure out the lighting system.  It was a challenge to get the right equipment to work with my mac, but once it was up and running it went well. We spent a lot of time working on focusing the image and getting the exposure right.  To get the image bright enough, I used a long exposure but it was hard to get non-blurry images especially since the girls were holding uncomfortable poses.  I think I'd like to go back on Wednesday and take some more.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Spot the difference

I photographed the neighborhood across the valley on Good Friday.   Good Friday is a very quiet day, the city seems like a ghost town, and I wanted to show this, but then also show how it was inhabited and cozy. I tried to represent this by photographing in the late afternoon when not a soul was out and it was deserted, and then again at night when the lights came out and you realize that people are in fact at home. It was very still, and serene and I hoped to capture that with the sunlight coming in and the sort of quiet, domestic composition of the clothes line and rooftops.  I think the result is what I hoped for, especially in the second image which really captures the cozy feeling with all the lights across the way and the light of the kitchen coming up in the house closest to the viewer.  I think that the day is interesting in general because it makes people slow down, stay at home with family or people that are important to them. It certainly made me reflect on how much I expect lots of people to be out, and what it must have been like for the first settlers here in New Zealand when you could walk around for hours and not see anyone.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Project 2 weekly tasks

April 3-7  Find subjects, finalize projection choices
April 8-14 Sketch ideas
April 15- 21  Read about projection and creating the floating people illusion
April 23 - 28  Photograph 4 girls, begin editing
April 30- May 5 Finish editing, powerpoint

Project 2 Proposal

Project proposal: I really want to talk about living in the moment, because its something that I've been thinking about a lot lately and really trying to focus on.  To express this I will combine the following two concepts which I love:  an inexplicable floating person who seems to be stuck in the  moment (to express being IN the moment) and projecting an image/film on to their bodies (to represent the moment). The image will be a favorite memory. So its like theyre frozen in their favorite moment, truly there and experiencing with every inch of their body (the image is projected onto their full body).

 credit: stephanie 


Typography excersize

Project 2 Proposals

Here's how I feel about time lately:
1. not enough time
2. needing to live in the moment
3. time spent, the moment you can't have back

Some ideas:

- someone surrounded by all their possessoins like the one in my inspiration post, capturing whats important to them in that moment of time

- small fuzzy memories, like pieces that you remember

- live in the moment: blurry images with lots of action going on in the background and then someone or something still in the middle

Fast aperture 2

I found this fountain and liked the textures.

Fast aperture

I walked into this military event and there were breakdancers doing their thing in front, and I found the contrast interesting- rebellion and uniform.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Inspiration Gavan Mitchell

I like that quality of the light in these photos

Inspiration: Keith Ten Eyck

This could be a cool idea, if you take things that mattered to the person throughout their life and then freeze it in one moment of time

Inspiration Gavan Mitchell

this photo by Gavan Mitchell perfectly captures the best parts of surfing (adrenaline, joy, nature, power) from a really cool angle by using very fast shutter speed.