
Thursday 5 April 2012

Spot the difference

I photographed the neighborhood across the valley on Good Friday.   Good Friday is a very quiet day, the city seems like a ghost town, and I wanted to show this, but then also show how it was inhabited and cozy. I tried to represent this by photographing in the late afternoon when not a soul was out and it was deserted, and then again at night when the lights came out and you realize that people are in fact at home. It was very still, and serene and I hoped to capture that with the sunlight coming in and the sort of quiet, domestic composition of the clothes line and rooftops.  I think the result is what I hoped for, especially in the second image which really captures the cozy feeling with all the lights across the way and the light of the kitchen coming up in the house closest to the viewer.  I think that the day is interesting in general because it makes people slow down, stay at home with family or people that are important to them. It certainly made me reflect on how much I expect lots of people to be out, and what it must have been like for the first settlers here in New Zealand when you could walk around for hours and not see anyone.

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