
Sunday, 27 May 2012

Group Project 2 Write Up

Company: Conflict Records
What we do: Recording and Production
Target Audience: Young, hip, alternative, edgy youths of any economic class who consider music an important part of their identity.

Intentions of the advertisement: Our advertisement is intended to grab the attention of potential artist clients and potential customers of produced music.  It is supposed to make them think that the brand is very cool and that they want to be associated with it, while incorporating the logo and concept (violent conflict, anti-silence propaganda, and musical iconography).  We really wanted a segment with wow factor to make an impression and imprint the brand in the viewers mind so included a portion of strobe color effect.  This hopefully would help the advertisement go viral. We believe we successfully executed our concept to accomplish our intentions.

Group Project2:
Date: 5/28/12
10:30 am Stream
Team Members: Vareek Bhai, David Kirschberg, Natalia Vasquez

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Thoughts about final shoot


  • shower drain closeup
  • one more stencil
  • shoot on stairs
  • shoot on rings of stove
  • Pizza box out of bed
  • leaves in curtainw ith drain

Time project: 3rd shoot

Most recent shoot, continuing to find various places around the house, and cutting new stencils.

Weekly tasks
  • Edit photos that I have
  • cut one more stencil

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

P3 : Studio 20 : Notes

  • Tutor email:
  • Do you have a clear + concise stand point?
  • Write 300 words down what this stand point is and post it to your blog. Include research + references into your discipline.
  • Storyboard - 10 min images, visual impact + presentation should be AMAZING
  • Stop Motion - don't start until you have a concept /standpoint.
  • Stop Motion software
    • Premiere
    • AfterEffects
    • Nero?
    • Photoshop?

P3 : Studio 19 : Storyboard continued


This post chronicles my development of my statement into a storyboard concept.
The statement:

Media Design:
Freeing experience to persuade...
... a new way of seeing.

Opening scene / not caring
  • globe sitting on desk, vision not paying attention, starts to drift away, hand grabs camera, redirects it at globe
  • OR
  • reading a textbook with statement about population, book starts to close like reader is done, book opens on its own, we zoom through an "o" into the world. like "just reading can't do it, gotta visualize it".
Scene 2 / the world changes, escapes reality, freed
  • globe transitions into mini world
  • mini world starts off natural, pristine
  • mini world accumulates more and more dots of light and buildings
  • trees/ green parts start to fall off
  • covered in lights, lights start to drip off
  • earth shakes, goes dark
  • "Media design frees experience to persuade a new way of seeing
1st storyboard draft/brainstorm

  • Its a black hole and you have to pull the storyboard out of it


Tuesday, 22 May 2012

P3 : Studio 19 : Stop Motion Inspiration

Fat City Reprise : "Long Gone" -  Music video created out of  very closely spaced photographs in beautiful, misty quality. The result is nearly seamless animation, but with a dreamy, mystical feel.

"Luminaris" trailer - Luminaris is a short film made out of stop motion photography / pixilation. It uses beautiful photos based on light at different times of day.

Sia's Breath Me - Stop Motion with thousands of polaroids. In the end we go through the polaroid and the stop motion is created through digital photo sequence.

Guinness Beer Commercial - Very persuasive, beer commercial leading to a single statement "good things come to those who wait" demonstrates this by showing evolution up to the moment when 3 guys take a sip of beer.

MTV "Organic" - Stop Motion showing surreal transformation, especially of organic shapes, via stop motion photography.

"Scintillation" Stop Motion - Beautiful example of stop motion that uses projection and carefully, painstakingly crafted photographs.  Probably one of the most beautiful short films I've ever seen.

Sian Bonnell

Sian Bonnell has a series called Glowing which pertain to what I am trying to accomplish with my light project. She too uses small lights, although the context is reversed (household items in nature vs natural shapes in house). I like how she gets in close and confuses your idea of space and size, and the blurry effect is quite pretty. Maybe I will try a few close ups of my light stencils in their context.

2nd Shoot

I've been making more stencils out of pizza boxes and tea boxes. Tonights stencil was not as successful because it was too thin so the light shone through (the effect was pretty but not what my intention is).

and my favorite from last week:

Weekly tasks for this week:
  • make more stencils
  • pick more places in the house
  • expiriment with different stencil materials
  • get more pizza boxes
  • try stencil lighting when you shine and htne move and then shine

Monday, 21 May 2012

more inspiration

Inspiration: Tokihiro Sato

Sato's work takes the cliche light idea and does beautiful, almost natural looking work with it.  The way he places his lights looks like they were just htere and he found them, or that you've walked into a room with a glowing, breathing live thing like an animal. They're awesome, and good inspiration for using lights in the time project.

Inspiration: Artist Unknown (taken from tumblr)

Cool series involving glow in the dark and urban fashion.

stencil ideas

Sunday, 20 May 2012

P3 : Studio 18 : Storyboard Research + Development

Refining my position:
As of last time, this is where my idea was:

Media design, for me, is a tool to communicate, inform, and persuade by harnessing the power of aesthetic and experience freed by technology from the constraints of reality to provide a new way of seeing.   It is a chameleon medium composed of many art forms and technologies. It has the unique ability to reach an unlimited number of people because of its technological and internet aspects.  It can educate and persuade like no other because it can be interactive.  It frees portrayal beyond reality to enhance and compliment meaning, beauty, and induce astonishment, inspiration, and fascination. It can manipulate the experience to direct the viewer to an intended thesis. It has the power to make messages stick and spread.

I need to get my thoughts into a quote like these precedents:
  • Connecting technology and society.
  • Beautiful design deserves craft.
  • Industrial design is an evolution.
  • Media Design liberates the imagination from physical constraints.
Simplified slogans:
  • Media design persuades by freeing experience from reality.
  • Media design enhances experience by freeing it from reality to persuade.
  • Media design persuades by enhancing experience free from reality.
  • Media design persuades by enhancing experience beyond reality.
  • Media design persuades by enhancing reality.
  • Persuading by enhancing experience beyond reality.
  • Freeing experience beyond reality to persuade.
  • Freeing experience to persuade.
  • Media Design frees experience to persuade
  • Freeing experience to persuade a new way of seeing.
Synonyms for persuade:
Convince (but that's for believing, persuade is to act), Actuate (motivate), Incite (provoke),

The best synthesized statement so far:

Freeing experience to persuade...
... a new way of seeing.

Brainstorm on how I will convey this:
  • I want to show either a viewer or their perspective or maybe a few perspectives to show how they change. 
  • Do I need a point to persuade about? 
  • Freeing experience: heightened reality situation, so i'll be adding special effects via stop motion, possiblly with light and photography to incorporate what I've learned in photography class. 
  • See something one way and then realize its something else
  • show sea level rise
  • show something beautiful with many dots of light appearing representing population explosion
  • miniworlds that eventually drip with too many people
  • small jar many lights file into it, its too full it explodes
  • create tiny sphere out of plants (photography, physically building each frame as world gets bigger) to demonstrate fragility have it crushed or over run
  • Use mini world (panorama --> invert poles --> mini world) USE THIS ONE


Storyboard where each frame is a fully painted digital image:

Well documented storyboard for superman/batman apacolypse.

Storyboard application takes the drawing work out of the process.

why do it on paper?:
interesting angle, very dynamic and accurate representation of whats happening in the scene


Saturday, 19 May 2012

Friday, 18 May 2012

1st shoot + Concept + Weekly tasts

Concept: I've decided on the concept of small beautiful things and not overlooking them. To convey this I'm experimenting with stencil lights of natural shapes placed in domestic areas. 

Weekly tasks
- Make 3-5 more stencils
- Shoot 2nd set
- Scope out places in my house or yard

I think this one is most successful from today for my concept:


- apocalypse
- impossible surfing scenarios
- stop trying to be someone youre not
- stop overlooking the beauty of small moments
- stop following the path of least resistance
- stop worrying so much
- look for silver lining in tough situations:  rainy day with silver lines, cloudy with silver lines, smashed 
 locations: urban waste but then a beautiful shape, crumbling stairs
- population 
- environmental issues: inadequate resources
- nature invading urban

Thursday, 17 May 2012

more brainstorming

1. Chiaroscuro : I learned about this last semester when i was studying art history in paris. It was a technique using light to bring dramatic focus to certain elements of the painting. Maybe I could use this in photography.

2. Light stencils - could make pretty or interesting shapes in unexpected places

3. Negatives
4. create mini world where i control light - like an apocalypse mini series?
5. I make the lights

6.  Lights and my passion
Flare surfing: 

Light up board:

Next step: Decide on a message or disussion topic, then figure out which technique best fits it. Possible topics:


Weekly Exercise: Light Painting

I like how the texture of the light came out here:

My friend ben is an amazing dancer and he held a light while he danced for this photo. I like how it just barely catches his concentrated face:

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

P3: Studio 17 : Individual Work


It's difficult to find a succinct definition for media design, rather it seems to be a combination of many disciplines and ways of designing. It involves interaction with the viewer, technology, photography, software (Adobe creative suite, computer programming), computer science.


Design, for me, is a tool to visually communicate, inform, and persuade about issues by harnessing the power of beauty and innovation beyond the constraints of reality.  It is a chameleon medium composed of many art forms and technologies. It has the unique ability to reach an unlimited number of people because of its technological and internet aspects.  It can educate and persuade like no other because it can be interactive.  It frees portrayal beyond reality to enhance and compliment meaning, beauty, and induce astonishment, inspiration, and fascination.  It has the power to make messages stick and spread.


Probably one of the most multidisciplinary and innovative companies in the US. It is also "an award-winning global design firm that takes a human-centered, design-based approach to helping organizations in the public and private sectors innovate and grow." (Their website).

Pranav Mistry: SixthSense
Interactive media design allows users to project computer technologies such as word processing, internet search, and camera, onto any surface anywhere and use fingers as mousepad.

Environmental Digital Art: This example of media design is by an artist who creates images where when you zoom in you realize theyre made of millions of objects - usually trash.

Chris Milk + the Wilderness Downtown

Chris Milk is a famous media designer.  He does commercial work, music videos, and experimental projects. This music video for Arcade Fire is extremely innovative: it changes its meaning each time based on an address that the viewer inputs in the begining and becomes a music video about YOUR childhood based on google images, Milk footage, and virtual environment design.

Population Video:
This is a very simple and old example of media design, probably from the 90s. I saw it in 8th grade and it has never left me and in fact has influenced my studies in international relations and environment.  It conveys the message that population growth is out of control by portraying 1000s of people with small with dots on a map of the world over a time span of 10000s of years set to a heartbeat sound effect. It is an example of media design to convince and argue a point, which is WHY I want to do media design- its power to communicate.

Radical Media + Johnny Cash Project
This is an interesting example of collaborative media design and stopmotion. Artists worldwide each drew one frame of a 5 min music video of a Johnny Cash song (his last recording) and then Radical Media (a design firm) compiled all the images into a stop motion. The result is a beautiful swirling animation in black and white.

Radical Media + 19.20.21
This piece of media design is included in my precedents because it demonstrates how media design can be used to discuss current issues and influence change. Its the gritty, real kind of design.

Ryan O'Hara + The Bay
This was presented to us on the first day and has stuck with me because I love to surf. I admire how he combined his passion for surfing with media design

BMW + the Mechanical Beast
This is an incredible example of industrial design, which is not going to be my concentration, but this work was so interesting I wanted to include it in my blog process as inspiration. It's about crossing field lines - engineering, art, and the natural elements all at play.

P3 : Studio 17 : BrainStorming

P3 : Studio 17 : Investigate

Discipline of Choice:  Media Design

Minor/Passion:  Because I'm an International Relations major with a media design minor, I guess my minor/passion would be international relations.  I am studying this to explore the way the world works in terms of national interaction, resource sharing, and cultural comparisons, all with the ultimate purpose of creating policies, trends, businesses or innovations that improve the world as a whole.

Single Best Thing that Represents the Discipline + My Passion

Chris Jordan

Evidence to back it up:

This image best represents media design because it incorporates many of media design's tools.  
  • Photography: It is made up of thousands of individually crafted digital photographic images composed, shot, and assembled by the artist. 
  • Historical context:  Jordan's composition is references a famous Japanese painting of almost identical content.
  • Graphic Design:  Jordan used critical thinking to make decisions about the placement of each image to communicate visually.
  • Interactive: Viewers may click on the image to zoom WAY in and out, down to the finest detail. 
  • Web: The image is available to viewers online.
  • Virtual world: Jordan creates for us an apocalyptic virtual world.
  • Purpose/cause:  The image clearly has an environmental motive and narrative, that the ocean is made up of millions of pieces of trash. By destroying an otherwise lovely painting, Jordan makes his point quite well.
  • The assignment calls for an example that is an image or item. There are certainly better examples of media design that incorporate audio and video and further interaction, but such examples would not fit in the assignment requirement, so this is my best example.