
Tuesday 22 May 2012

P3 : Studio 19 : Stop Motion Inspiration

Fat City Reprise : "Long Gone" -  Music video created out of  very closely spaced photographs in beautiful, misty quality. The result is nearly seamless animation, but with a dreamy, mystical feel.

"Luminaris" trailer - Luminaris is a short film made out of stop motion photography / pixilation. It uses beautiful photos based on light at different times of day.

Sia's Breath Me - Stop Motion with thousands of polaroids. In the end we go through the polaroid and the stop motion is created through digital photo sequence.

Guinness Beer Commercial - Very persuasive, beer commercial leading to a single statement "good things come to those who wait" demonstrates this by showing evolution up to the moment when 3 guys take a sip of beer.

MTV "Organic" - Stop Motion showing surreal transformation, especially of organic shapes, via stop motion photography.

"Scintillation" Stop Motion - Beautiful example of stop motion that uses projection and carefully, painstakingly crafted photographs.  Probably one of the most beautiful short films I've ever seen.

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