
Sunday 27 May 2012

Group Project 2 Write Up

Company: Conflict Records
What we do: Recording and Production
Target Audience: Young, hip, alternative, edgy youths of any economic class who consider music an important part of their identity.

Intentions of the advertisement: Our advertisement is intended to grab the attention of potential artist clients and potential customers of produced music.  It is supposed to make them think that the brand is very cool and that they want to be associated with it, while incorporating the logo and concept (violent conflict, anti-silence propaganda, and musical iconography).  We really wanted a segment with wow factor to make an impression and imprint the brand in the viewers mind so included a portion of strobe color effect.  This hopefully would help the advertisement go viral. We believe we successfully executed our concept to accomplish our intentions.

Group Project2:
Date: 5/28/12
10:30 am Stream
Team Members: Vareek Bhai, David Kirschberg, Natalia Vasquez

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